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DNA Testing Affiliate

DNA TestingSince we started in the year 1997, we have performed over 100,000 tests and at present, we are operating in more than 21 countries all around the world. Along the way, we have made plenty of friends and associates. Ours has been a journey of trust, innovation, discretion and excellence.

We were the first company to offer home DNA testing kit. Our innovative and quality conscious team offers 2,50,000 times more accurate results. Our DNA testing laboratories with experienced and highly qualified scientists guarantee high quality technical support and assistance 24X7. Our 18 and 23 loci DNA tests are the ultimate in DNA testing accuracy.

We welcome your valuable support and experience as we extend our business to newer territories. Become a DNA SOLUTIONS DNA test affiliate and you can sell DNA paternity and other DNA tests under either your own brand or ours from any location in India or any part of the world.

We offer excellent wholesale rates and have online statistics and result reporting to streamline your operation, making errors practically impossible. With worldwide locations and multilingual support, we can have DNA test reports produced for every customer in their own language, automatically and instantly. We have offices which are conveniently located worldwide, so, you can ship your samples to the nearest location, saving you time and money.

If you wish to become a partner of one of the world's leading genetic testing organisations, send us your information today, and we will contact you.

Become a DNA SOLUTIONS affiliate




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